I am so excited to share with you all what I’m doing this month and due to my crazy travel schedule, I’ve decided to call it, ‘Photography by Chanda’s July in Motion’ because I will literally be in motion, either in or on what seems like every mode of transportation throughout the month. So be looking for me and my big hair bows as I travel up and down the East Coast from NY to Boston to Vermont then back down South to capture a few of my favorite things this summer. From lil’ cherubs to new unions to growing families, I’m going to see and document it all and I promise you, as always, I will share every wonderful moment with you if I can.
But before I can do that, I must get to these locations, which brings me back to my theme…July in Motion. Remember that movie, planes, trains, automobiles? Well, add a boat to that mix and that is what’s in store for me this month. Pretty cool, huh? Well, now that I think about it, it seems I’ve gotten carried away because I don’t actually have plans to be on a train, not yet anyway! Although, I have to admit, ALL ABOARD does have a nice ring to it. It is much more pleasing to the ear than WOMAN OVERBOARD…LOL! Although, I shouldn’t laugh as I may hear those words sooner rather than later because I’m scheduled to shoot for a magazine on a boat this month. And for those of you who know me, you know my signature look does not come without a price. The dresses I wear, complete with ruffles and bows, are comfortable and super fun but I have to tell you, they can be kind of heavy. And if I take one too many steps back to capture the perfect shoot it could be eclipsed by a big uh-oh followed by a SPLASH then a very loud and distinct….WOMAN OVERBOARD! Quite the visual huh? LOL!
This is Davidson Landing and these girls are showing off Duffy Boats in front of Lakeside Boutique. You have to go check this fab place out on Lake Norman off of exit 30. You have to take a special trip on these boats with your lover…or a great group of friends…with wine and delish foods… simply an amazing treat! These girls are wearing I.C. London…Fashion on the lake you have to love it!
You can’t mention splashing and not immediately think of summertime fun right? This July will be no different as I will be doing the typical summer thing which usually has something to do with water. I cannot deny that it makes for interesting pictures and I have absolutely no fear introducing that element to any shoot. The kids love it, the parents love it, I love it…heck everyone loves it and as a result, the pics are undeniably fabulous. Speaking of fabulous, where will you be this Fourth of July? I’ll be in NY capturing the festivities and admiring the Red, White and Blue fireworks up close and personal. From there, I’m heading to Boston to document one lil sweet couple,

Travis and Kim. *Big sigh* I just love photographing people in love!
While in Boston, I’m hoping to see one of my great sisters. It’s been a while since we have spent time together and I would love to grab lunch and relax…well, who am I kidding? I’m not sure how much relaxing we’ll be doing as admittedly, we are both shoppers and that means, watch out Boston retailers! ‘Double trouble’ will be coming at you fast and furious, and know this, we have charge cards and we are not afraid to use them! I can feel the pain from that shopping spree now…OUCH!
In all seriousness, I cherish every moment with my family and as July winds down, I will get to do just that back at home. My hubby Randy and Alex, both are celebrating their birthdays this month. Happy Birthday Guys! I can tell you all that Alex is far more excited about his birthday than Randy is. Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that Alex is turning 15 and here in Carolina, that means it is permit time! EEEEKKK! But I have to laugh, as it seems to perfectly tie into my July in Motion theme!
And on that note, I’m off! I will talk to you all soon and be uploading highlights throughout the rest of the month!

The Berrigan family at her mother’s pad where she grew up… so as you can imgaine…tons of amazing finds…. as you see above… it was covered up….so i said bingo! i saw those legs and i siad… have to use!!! vintage, classic i am so in…. Payden the big sister is die for…i mean look at that gorgeous face she had me at hello running all around…and of course she knows her “time out” sign very well….lol love me:)

Meet Miss Ameila Faith just days old…it was perfect timing.. she knew I was coming to NY…and she decided to pop out right on schedule!!! This lil girl is going to be so loved not only by her siblings… “a lot of Moo’s” lol yet, by this family… the first grandbaby girl!!!! I felt such a sence of “Awe” while i was documenting her…. she did not cry once… she knows where she belongs…right there on the farm…:) that tractor is her momm’s fav tractor….bc she can drive that one easy…! Daddy says any tractor that works is his fav… you got to love farm life! love you guys… 

Welcome The Wagner Family… to Huntersville, NC…they have just moved here…. and are nestling in at their new pad… I like to call them Team Wagner… hence above… mommy and daddy are amazing to watch… he just pics her right up over his head… like that! That is how they met…back in KY…. totally awesome to see that they can still do that years later even after having children!!! Tons of laughter at this pad…as you can tell… what a joy…and fun… we did a lot of playing… or Team Wagner…play! love!

This project i got asked to do is for Susan K. Slaughter, MS, OTR/ at www.carolinakindertherapy.com Susan is the owner and she is an occupational therapist that is devoted to the prevention and treatment of head shape, development and neck issues of infants. This will be an ongoing project hence documenting all stages of prevention and treatment to all ages of infants… She has one fab placed right off Caswell right downtown…:) check her out!

Julia wanted to something special for her hubby that is fighting for our country in Afgantstain and no better place to do this than her childhood home where she played in the creek growing up and being raised on a farm… she even has her concealed weapon license…. wanted to incorporate her parents into this too somehow… so when i saw this special classic 66 it was sold… driving down their driveway…. stunning… what a fab time last night in the rain… all wet and muddy…you know it was a fab time for me…i am not afraid of getting wet and dirty… since i grew up with dirt and water too…! love you Julia… me:)



An amazing and touching day this was…actually shot a cuople of weeks ago in late of June… yet, i could not post until after the farewell party for the closing of Newell Volunteer Fire Dept… this pic above depicts what i wanted to show… a couragous man that had a lifetime of investment in this exact place with these trucks and has to close the doors…. i feel real in this pic… touching… truly it is amazing to me that we have these amazing service people everyday…and some of them truly love what they do..like me… yet, i am not risking my life to save another…etc…. The Killion family has so many years in this… and above are just some pics of them…to remind them of memories… truly touching… and totally a blast of fun with the color RED! lol


Meet Evan… Just turned 1!!! One adorable, fun, happy boy… We had a ball…literally Evan loves kicking the ball pic shown above…he loves to be on the move or in motion and loves people… as you can plainly see!!!! They live in PA… down here on vaca… and what a treat!!!

Congrats to Kim and Travis in one gorgeous place in Vermont… They both found each other here in college and just loved it…so they tied the knot here… of course i was in love with all the old barns, wooden bridges… so hard to only pic a couple of pics to show you… yet, i feel each one as some kind of meaning… the pics of the water were shot directly in the Gorge… it was a total blast of a time…:) and i just love that i caought lil Ryan with his pants down… the faces are pricless… good thing i had my zoom on… since i was way in the tent…and they were in the pasture…:) lol What an amazing weekend I had with them and thier families… if you want a different place to visit… “relaxing and to enjoy the breeze…go to Vermont”!!! love me:)

The Bradford family and their newest lil addition is sweet lil petite Hunter… at the end… she was exhausted… shot in her nursery complete darkness and still pulled an amazing shot… or i think so…i know my eye is different…yet, i so love… and her big sister Logan is so funny and easy going and a talker… so of course we hit it off real good…:) and yes she liked my bow..in my hair… made my day when she told me that!!! lol and proud parents are above looking amazing with two lil ones at 7:30 am in hot hot hot heat… the main thing is we got outside shots she wanted… the mom always wins… DID you guys know that… we always do…lol what a super great fam…and so awesome to play with girls for a bit!!! love me:)
Love, Me